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Chronic vascular and follicular dilation involving the nose and contiguous portions of the cheeks; may vary from mild but persistent erythema to extensive hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, seen especially in men as rhinophyma and by deep-seated papules and pustules; accompanied by telangiectasia at the affected erythematous sites. SYN: acne r.. [L. rosaceus, rosy]
- granulomatous r. papular lesions in r., characterized microscopically by perifollicular granulomas with central necrosis and scattered giant cells. Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei is probably a form of granulomatous r.. SYN: r.-like tuberculid, tuberculoid r..
- hypertrophic r. SYN: rhinophyma.
- tuberculoid r. SYN: granulomatous r..
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ro·sa·cea rō-'zā-sh(ē-)ə n a chronic inflammatory disorder involving esp. the skin of the nose, forehead, and cheeks that is characterized by congestion, flushing, telangiectasia, and marked nodular swelling of tissues esp. of the nose called also acne rosacea
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a chronic inflammatory disease of the face in which the skin becomes abnormally flushed. At times it becomes pustular and there may be an associated keratitis. The disease occurs in both sexes and at all ages but is most common in women in their thirties; the cause is unknown. Treatment with oral tetracycline or topical metronidazole is very effective.
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ro·sa·cea (ro-zaґshe-ə) [L. feminine of rosaceus rose-colored, shortened from acne rosacea] a chronic skin disease, usually involving the middle third of the face, characterized by persistent erythema and often by telangiectasia with acute episodes of edema, papules, and pustules; it affects both men and women, but is often more severe in men. It is associated with an excess of cathelicidin and stratum corneum tryptic enzyme, which results in the formation of an abnormal inflammatory peptide that is responsible for the lesions. Complications include rosacea keratitis and rhinophyma. Called also acne rosacea.
Medical dictionary. 2011.