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- horizontal r. SYN: horizontal atrophy.
- root r. dissolution of the root of a tooth; either external, with loss or blunting of the apical portion, or internal, with loss of dentin from the inside (pulpal) part of the root area.
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re·sorp·tion (')rē-'sȯrp-shən, -'zȯrp- n the action or process of resorbing something <age-related bone loss...is caused by a slight but persistent elevation in the rate of bone \resorption over the rate of bone formation (P. S. Millard )(et al)>
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loss of substance through physiological or pathological means.
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re·sorp·tion (re-sorpґshən) [L. resorbere to swallow again] 1. the loss of substance through physiologic or pathologic means, such as loss of dentin and cementum of a tooth, or of the alveolar process of the mandible or maxilla. 2. reabsorption of fluid.Medical dictionary. 2011.