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Exhibiting relative opacity to, or impenetrability by, x-rays or any other form of radiation. Cf.:radiolucent. SYN: radiodense. [radio- + Fr. opaque fr. L. opacus, shady]
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ra·di·opaque -ō-'pāk adj being opaque to radiation and esp. X-rays <\radiopaque dyes> compare RADIOLUCENT
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having the property of absorbing, and therefore being opaque to, X-rays. Radiopacity increases with atomic weight. Radiopaque materials, such as those containing iodine or barium, are used as contrast medium in radiography. Metallic foreign bodies in tissues are also radiopaque and can be detected by radiography. Such heavy elements as lead and barium can be used in shielding to protect people from unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation.
• radiopacity n.
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ra·di·opaque (ra″de-o-pākґ) [radio- + opaque] not penetrable by x-rays or other forms of radiant energy; radiopaque areas appear light or white on the exposed film.Medical dictionary. 2011.