
To spread out from a central area. For example, sciatic pain may radiate outward from the lower back.
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1. To spread out in all directions from a center. 2. To emit radiation. [L. radio, pp. -atus, to shine]

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ra·di·ate 'rād-ē-.āt vb, -at·ed; -at·ing vi to issue in or as if in rays: spread from a central point <back pain radiating to both upper legs (Tony Miksanek)> vt IRRADIATE
ra·di·ate 'rād-ē-ət, -ē-.āt adj
1) having rays or radial parts
2) characterized by radial symmetry: RADIALLY SYMMETRICAL

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ra·di·ate (raґde-āt) [L. radiare, radiatus] 1. to diverge or spread from a common point. 2. arranged in a radiating manner.

Medical dictionary. 2011.