
Infectious arthritis. Pyarthrosis is typically caused by a bacterial infection in the joint. Pyarthrosis requires drainage of the joint and antibiotics, usually intravenously administered. Pyarthrosis is also referred to as suppurative arthritis.
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SYN: suppurative arthritis. [G. pyon, pus, + arthrosis, a jointing]

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py·ar·thro·sis .pī-är-'thrō-səs n, pl -thro·ses -.sēz the formation or presence of pus within a joint

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an infected joint filled with pus. Drainage, combined with antibiotic treatment, is necessary, though the joint may already be severely damaged if diagnosed late.

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py·ar·thro·sis (pi″ahr-throґsis) [pyo- + arthr- + -osis] acute suppurative arthritis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.