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1. A large multinucleated cell, possibly of monocytic origin, with abundant acidophilic cytoplasm, functioning in the absorption and removal of osseous tissue. SYN: osteophage. 2. An instrument used to fracture a bone to correct a deformity. [osteo- + G. klastos, broken]
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os·teo·clast 'äs-tē-ə-.klast n
1) any of the large multinucleate cells closely associated with areas of bone resorption (as in a fracture that is healing) compare CHONDROCLAST
2) an instrument for performing osteoclasis
os·teo·clas·tic .äs-tē-ə-'klas-tik adj
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1. a large multinucleate cell that resorbs calcified bone. Osteoclasts are only found when bone is being resorbed and may be seen in small depressions on the bone surface.
2. a device for fracturing bone for therapeutic purposes.
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os·teo·clast (osґte-o-klast″) [osteo- + -clast] 1. a large multinuclear cell associated with the absorption and removal of bone; osteoclasts become highly active in the presence of parathyroid hormone, causing increased bone resorption and release of bone salts (phosphorus and, especially, calcium) into the extracellular fluid. 2. an instrument for use in the surgical fracture or refracture of bones.Medical dictionary. 2011.