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- o. parotidea o. associated with mumps.
- o. variolosa o. complicating smallpox.
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or·chi·tis ȯr-'kīt-əs n inflammation of a testis
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inflammation of the testis. This causes pain, redness, and swelling of the scrotum, and may be associated with inflammation of the epididymis (epididymo-orchitis). The condition may affect one or both testes; it is usually caused by infection spreading down the vas deferens but can develop in mumps. Mumps orchitis affecting both testes may result in sterility. Treatment of epididymo-orchitis is by local support and by administration of analgesics and antibiotics; mumps orchitis often responds to corticosteroid.
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or·chi·tis (or-kiґtis) [orchi- + -itis] inflammation of a testis, marked by pain, swelling, and a feeling of weight, often seen accompanying epididymitis (see epididymo-orchitis). It may occur idiopathically or be associated with conditions such as mumps, gonorrhea, filarial disease, syphilis, or tuberculosis. orchitic adjMedical dictionary. 2011.