
Abbreviation for milligram, a unit of measurement of mass in the metric system equal to a thousandth of a gram. A gram is equal to the mass of one milliliter, one thousandth of a liter, of water at 4 degrees C. MG (in capital letters) is the abbreviation for the disease myasthenia gravis.
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Symbol for magnesium.
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maintenance goal; Marcus Gunn [pupil]; margin; mean gradient; medial gastrocnemius [muscle]; membranous glomerulonephritis; menopausal gonadotropin; mesiogingival; methylglucoside; methylguanidine; monoclonal gammopathy; monoglyceride; mucous granule; muscle group; myasthenia gravis; myoglobin

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Mg symbol magnesium

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Medical dictionary. 2011.