
1. Joining or amalgamation of two or more bodies. 2. Structural adhesion or growing together of the edges of a wound. 3. Healing of a fracture represented by the development of continuity between fractured fragments. [L. unus, one]
- autogenous u. in dentistry, the u. of two pieces of metal without solder.
- faulty u. SYN: fibrous u..
- fibrous u. u. of fracture by fibrous tissue. See nonunion. SYN: faulty u..
- primary u. SYN: healing by first intention.
- secondary u. SYN: healing by second intention.
- vicious u. SYN: malunion.

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union 'yü-nyən n an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one: as
a) the growing together of severed parts <\union of a fractured bone>
b) a chemical combination: BOND
c) the joining of two germ cells in the process of fertilization

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(in a fractured bone) the successful result of healing of a fracture, in which the previously separated bone ends have become firmly united by newly formed bone. Failure of union (non-union) may result if the bone ends are not immobilized or from infection or bone diseases. Compare malunion.

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un·ion (ūnґyən) [L. unio] the process of healing; the renewal of continuity in a broken bone or between the edges of a wound. See healing.

Medical dictionary. 2011.