
1. Typhus-like; stuporous from fever. 2. SYN: t. fever. [typhus + G. eidos, resemblance]
- abdominal t. SYN: t. fever.
- ambulatory t. SYN: walking t..
- apyretic t. t. fever in which the temperature does not rise more than a degree or two.
- bilious t. of Griesinger SYN: relapsing fever.
- fowl t. a septicemic disease of chickens and turkeys, caused by Salmonella gallinarum; some human infections with this organism have been reported.
- latent t. SYN: walking t..
- provocation t. an accelerated onset of t. fever, sometimes of unusual severity, resulting from t.-paratyphoid A and B (T.A.B.) vaccination late in the incubation period.
- walking t. t. fever without much prostration, the patient being up and around and sometimes working. SYN: ambulatory t., latent t..

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ty·phoid 'tī-.fȯid, (')tī-' adj
1) of, relating to, or suggestive of typhus
2) of, relating to, affected with, or constituting typhoid fever
typhoid n
2) any of several diseases of domestic animals resembling human typhus or typhoid fever

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ty·phoid (tiґfoid) [Gr. typhōdes like smoke; delirious] 1. resembling typhus. 2. see under fever. 3. typhoidal.

Medical dictionary. 2011.