1. Resembling a trapezium. SYN: trapeziform. 2. A geometrical figure resembling a trapezium except that two of its opposite sides are parallel. 3. SYN: t. (bone). 4. SYN: t. body. [G. trapeza, table, + eidos, resemblance]
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trap·e·zoid 'trap-ə-.zȯid n a bone in the distal row of the carpus at the base of the index finger called also lesser multangular, trapezoid bone, trapezoideum
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trap·e·zoid (trapґə-zoid) [L. trapezoides; Gr. trapezoeidēs table shaped] 1. having the shape of a four-sided plane, with two sides parallel and two diverging. 2. the trapezoid bone (os trapezoideum [TA]).Medical dictionary. 2011.