1. The fauces and pharynx. SYN: gullet. 2. The anterior aspect of the neck. SYN: jugulum. 3. Any narrowed entrance into a hollow part. [A.S. throtu]
- sore t. a condition characterized by pain or discomfort on swallowing; it may be due to any of a variety of inflammations of the tonsils, pharynx, or larynx.
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throat 'thrōt n
1) the part of the neck in front of the spinal column
2) the passage through the throat to the stomach and lungs containing the pharynx and upper part of the esophagus, the larynx, and the trachea
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(thrōt) 1. pharynx. 2. fauces. 3. the anterior part of the neck.Medical dictionary. 2011.