- hydatid t. the peculiar trembling or vibratory sensation felt on palpation of a hydatid cyst. SYN: Blatin syndrome, hydatid fremitus.
- presystolic t. a t. immediately preceding the ventricular contraction that is sometimes felt on palpation over the apex of the heart, as in mitral stenosis.
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thrill 'thril n an abnormal fine tremor or vibration in the respiratory or circulatory systems felt on palpation <a continuous systolic and diastolic murmur, frequently associated with a \thrill (R. L. Cecil & R. F. Loeb)>
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a vibration felt on placing the hand on the body. A heart murmur that is felt by placing the hand on the chest wall is said to be accompanied by a thrill.
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(thril) a sensation of vibration felt by the examiner on palpation of the body, such as over the heart during loud, harsh cardiac murmurs; cf. fremitus.Medical dictionary. 2011.