To pass anything through the fauces, pharynx, and esophagus into the stomach; to perform deglutition. [A.S. swelgan]
- Gastrografin s. esophagram or upper GI series using water-soluble iodinated contrast medium. SYN: hypaque s..
- hypaque s. SYN: Gastrografin s..
- somatic s. a swallowing pattern with muscular contractions which appear to be under control of the person at a subconscious level; distinguished from visceral s..
- visceral s. the immature swallowing pattern of an infant or a person with tongue thrust, resembling peristaltic wavelike muscular contractions observed in the gut; adult or mature swallowing is more volitional and therefore somatic.
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swal·low 'swäl-(.)ō vt to take through the mouth and esophagus into the stomach vi to receive something into the body through the mouth and esophagus
swallow n
1) an act of swallowing
2) an amount that can be swallowed at one time
Medical dictionary. 2011.