
1. To add to in an attempt to give greater strength. 2. SYN: supporter. 3. In dentistry, a term used to denote resistance to vertical components of masticatory force. [L. supporto, to carry]
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sup·port sə-'pō(ə)rt, -'pȯ(ə)rt vt
1) to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for
2) to maintain in condition, action, or existence <\support respiration> <\support life>
support n
1) the act or process of supporting: the condition of being supported <respiratory \support>

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sup·port (sə-portґ) 1. to prevent weakening or failing. 2. a structure that bears the weight of something else. 3. a mechanism or arrangement that helps keep something else functioning. 4. the foundation upon which a denture rests.

Medical dictionary. 2011.