A high-pitched, noisy respiration, like the blowing of the wind; a sign of respiratory obstruction, especially in the trachea or larynx. [L. a harsh, creaking sound]
- congenital s. crowing inspiration occurring at birth or within the first few months of life; sometimes without apparent cause and sometimes due to abnormal flaccidity of epiglottis or arytenoids. SYN: laryngeal s..
- expiratory s. a singing sound due to the semiapproximated vocal folds offering resistance to the escape of air or to tracheal or bronchial obstruction.
- inspiratory s. a crowing sound during the inspiratory phase of respiration due to pathology involving the upper respiratory tract especially at the epiglottis or larynx.
- laryngeal s. SYN: congenital s..
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stri·dor 'strīd-ər, 'strī-.dȯ(ə)r n a harsh vibrating sound heard during respiration in cases of obstruction of the air passages <laryngeal \stridor>
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the noise heard on breathing in when the trachea or larynx is obstructed. It tends to be louder and harsher than wheeze.
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stri·dor (striґdər) [L.] a harsh, high-pitched breath sound such as the one often heard on inhalation with an acute laryngeal obstruction. Cf. laryngismus stridulus. strident, stridulous adjMedical dictionary. 2011.