- basal striations the vertical infranuclear striations due to the infolded plasma membrane and mitochondria; they are seen in kidney tubules and certain intralobular salivary ducts.
- tabby cat s. SYN: tigroid s..
- tigroid s. linear whitish or yellowish markings on the fatty degenerated heart muscle. SYN: tabby cat s..
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stri·a·tion strī-'ā-shən n
1) the fact or state of being striated
2) a minute groove, scratch, or channel esp. when one of a parallel series
3) any of the alternate dark and light cross bands of a myofibril of striated muscle
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stri·a·tion (stri-aґshən) 1. the quality of being marked by stripes or striae. 2. a streak or scratch.Medical dictionary. 2011.