
An area of hardened skin, usually called a callus.
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1. SYN: callosity. 2. A horny tumor. [kerato- + G. -oma, tumor]
- k. disseminatum SYN: punctate keratoderma.
- k. hereditarium mutilans SYN: mutilating keratoderma.
- k. plantare sulcatum SYN: palmoplantar keratoderma.
- senile k. SYN: actinic keratosis.

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ker·a·to·ma .ker-ə-'tō-mə n, pl -mas also -ma·ta -mət-ə a hard thickened area of skin produced by hypertrophy of the horny layers

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ker·a·to·ma (ker″ə-toґmə) pl. keratomas, keratoґmata [kerat- + -oma] 1. callus (def. 1). 2. a horny tumor on the inner surface of the wall of a horse's hoof. Called also keraphyllocele.

Medical dictionary. 2011.