
1. A compress or bandage. 2. [TA] A structure resembling a bandaged part. [Mod. L. fr. G. splenion, bandage]
- s. corporis callosi [TA] SYN: s. of corpus callosum.
- s. of corpus callosum [TA] the thickened posterior extremity of the corpus callosum. SYN: s. corporis callosi [TA], tuber corporis callosi.

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sple·ni·um 'splē-nē-əm n, pl -nia -nē-ə the thick rounded fold that forms the posterior border of the corpus callosum and is continuous by its undersurface with the fornix

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the thickest part of the corpus callosum, rounded and protruding backwards over the thalami, the pineal gland, and the midbrain.

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sple·ni·um (spleґne-um) [L., from Gr. splēnion bandage] 1. a bandlike structure. 2. a bandage or compress. 3. s. corporis callosi.

Medical dictionary. 2011.