
1. Coiled; winding around a center like a watch spring; winding and ascending like a wire spring. 2. A structure in the shape of a coil. [Mediev. L. spiralis, fr. G. speira, a coil]
- Curschmann spirals spirally twisted masses of mucus occurring in the sputum in bronchial asthma.
- s. of Tillaux an imaginary line connecting the insertions of the recti muscles of the eye.

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spi·ral 'spī-rəl adj
1 a) winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it
b) HELICAL <the \spiral structure of DNA>
2) being a fracture in which the break is produced by twisting apart the bone <a double \spiral break>
spi·ral·ly -rə-lē adv
spiral n
1) the path of a point in a plane moving around a central point while continuously receding from or approaching it
2) a three-dimensional curve (as a helix) with one or more turns about an axis <the double \spiral of DNA>

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spi·ral (spiґrəl) [L. spiralis, from spira; Gr. speira] 1. winding about a center like a coil or the thread of a screw; called also helical. 2. a winding structure. See also coil, helix, vortex, and whorl.

Medical dictionary. 2011.