
1. Formation of a sequestrum. 2. Loss of blood or of its fluid content into spaces within the body so that it is withdrawn from the circulating volume, resulting in hemodynamic impairment, hypovolemia, hypotension, and reduced venous return to the heart. [L. sequestratio, fr. sequestro, pp. -atus, to lay aside]
- bronchopulmonary s. a congenital anomaly in which a mass of lung tissue becomes isolated, during development, from the rest of the lung; the bronchi in the mass are usually dilated or cystic and are not connected with the bronchial tree; it is supplied by a branch of the aorta.

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se·ques·tra·tion .sēk-wəs-'trā-shən, .sek-, si-.kwes- n
1) the formation of a sequestrum
2) the process of sequestering or result of being sequestered

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1. the formation of a fragment of dead bone (see sequestrum) and its separation from the surrounding tissue.
2. (in development) a separated part of an organ; a developmental anomaly.

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se·ques·tra·tion (se″kwəs-traґshən) [L. sequestratio] 1. the formation of a sequestrum. 2. the isolation of a patient. 3. a net increase in the quantity of blood within a limited vascular area, occurring physiologically, with or without forward flow persisting, or produced artificially by the application of tourniquets.

Medical dictionary. 2011.