
Reestablishment of blood supply to a part.

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re·vas·cu·lar·iza·tion 'rē-.vas-kyə-lə-rə-'zā-shən n a surgical procedure for the provision of a new, augmented, or restored blood supply to a body part or organ <myocardial \revascularization>

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1. the regrowth of blood vessels following disease or injury so that normal blood supply to an organ, tissue, or part is restored.
2. the surgical restoration of blood flow to a part by replacing a diseased blood vessel with a graft. See coronary revascularization.

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re·vas·cu·lar·iza·tion (re-vas″ku-lər-ĭ-zaґshən) 1. the restoration of blood supply, as after a wound. 2. the restoration of an adequate blood supply to a part, such as with a bypass or angioplasty procedure.

Medical dictionary. 2011.