
1. Moving backward. 2. Degenerating; reversing the normal order of growth and development. [L. retrogradus, fr. retro- + gradior, to go]

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ret·ro·grade 're-trə-.grād adj
1) characterized by retrogression
2) affecting a period immediately prior to a precipitating cause <\retrograde amnesia>
3) occurring or performed in a direction opposite to the normal or forward direction of conduction or flow: as
a) occurring along nerve cell processes toward the cell body <\retrograde axonal transport> <\retrograde degeneration of nerve fibers>
b) occurring opposite to the normal direction or path of blood circulation <apply bandaging to the lower extremities to produce pressure to reduce \retrograde blood flow in veins with incompetent valves> compare ANTEROGRADE (2)
ret·ro·grade·ly adv

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going backwards, or moving in the opposite direction to the normal. (See pyelography.) Retrograde amnesia is a failure to remember events immediately preceding an illness or injury.

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ret·ro·grade (retґro-grād) [retro- + L. gradi to step] 1. moving backward or against the usual direction of flow. 2. degenerating, deteriorating, or catabolic.

Medical dictionary. 2011.