
1. The act of reflecting. 2. That which is reflected. 3. In psychotherapy, a technique in which a patient's statements are repeated, restated, or rephrased in order that the patient will continue to explore and expound on emotionally significant content. [L. reflexio, a bending back]

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re·flec·tion also Brit re·flex·ion ri-'flek-shən n
1) an instance of reflecting esp the return of light or sound waves from a surface
2) the production of an image by or as if by a mirror
3 a) the action of bending or folding back
b) a reflected part or a fold <the mesentery is a \reflection of the peritoneum>
4) something produced by reflecting esp an image given back by a reflecting surface

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re·flec·tion (re-flekґshən) [L. reflexus, past part. of reflectere to bend back] 1. a turning or bending back; a bending back upon its course. 2. in physics, the turning back of a ray of light, sound, or heat when it strikes against a surface that it does not penetrate. The ray before reflection is known as the incident ray; after reflection, it is the reflected ray. 3. an image produced by this process. 4. a special form of reentry in which an impulse crosses a narrow area of diminished responsiveness to excite distal tissue, pauses long enough for repolarization of proximal tissue, and returns, retracing its pathway and reexciting the same fibers in reverse rather than traversing a circuit. If the returning impulse is strong enough, a seesaw movement of current can result, causing tachyarrhythmias.

Medical dictionary. 2011.