1. A redoubling. 2. A duplication or doubling, as of the sounds of the heart in certain morbid states or the presence of two instead of a normally single part. 3. A fold or duplicature. [L. reduplicatio, fr. re-, again, + duplico, to double, fr. duplex, two-fold]
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re·du·pli·ca·tion ri-.d(y)ü-pli-'kā-shən, .rē- n an act or instance of doubling <\reduplication of the chromosomes>
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doubling of the heart sounds, which may be heard in healthly individuals and shows variation with respiration due to the slightly asynchronous closure of the heart valves.
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re·du·pli·ca·tion (re″doo-plĭ-kaґshən) [L. reduplicatio] 1. a doubling back. 2. the recurrence of paroxysms of a double type. 3. duplication (def. 3).Medical dictionary. 2011.