The systematized study and theory of the psychologic forces that underlie human behavior, emphasizing the interplay between unconscious and conscious motivation and the functional significance of emotion. See role-playing. [psycho- + G. dynamis, force]
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psy·cho·dy·nam·ics .sī-kō-dī-'nam-iks, -də- n pl but sing or pl in constr
1) the psychology of mental or emotional forces or processes developing esp. in early childhood and their effects on behavior and mental states
2) explanation or interpretation (as of behavior or mental states) in terms of mental or emotional forces or processes
3) motivational forces acting esp. at the unconscious level
psy·cho·dy·nam·ic -ik adj
psy·cho·dy·nam·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
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psy·cho·dy·nam·ics (si″ko-di-namґiks) [psycho- + dynamics] the interplay of conscious and unconscious motivational forces, such as wishes, drives, emotions, conflict, and defense mechanisms, that gives rise to the expression of mental processes, as in attitudes, behavior, or symptoms.Medical dictionary. 2011.