1. Pertaining to a rather imprecise category of drugs with mainly central nervous system action, and with effects said to be the expansion or heightening of consciousness, e.g., LSD, hashish, mescaline. 2. A hallucinogenic substance, visual display, music, or other sensory stimulus having such action. SYN: hallucinogenic. [psyche- + G. deloo, to manifest]
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psy·che·del·ic .sī-kə-'del-ik n a psychedelic drug (as LSD)
psychedelic adj
1) of, relating to, or being drugs (as LSD) capable of producing abnormal psychic effects (as hallucinations) and sometimes psychotic states
2) produced by or associated with the use of psychedelic drugs <a \psychedelic experience>
psy·che·del·i·cal·ly -'del-i-k(ə-)lē adv
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describing drugs that induce changes in the level of consciousness of the mind. Psychedelic drugs, which include lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and cannabis, are hallucinogen and are used legally only for experimental purposes.
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psy·che·del·ic (si″kə-delґik) [psyche + Gr. dēlos manifest, evident] 1. pertaining to or characterized by hallucinations, distortions of perception and awareness, and sometimes psychotic-like behavior. 2. a drug that produces such effects.Medical dictionary. 2011.