Apparent paralysis due to voluntary inhibition of motion because of pain, incoordination, or other cause, but without actual paralysis. SYN: pseudoparesis (1).
- arthritic general p. a disease, occurring in arthritic subjects, having symptoms resembling those of general paresis, the lesions of which consist of diffuse changes of a degenerative and noninflammatory character due to intracranial atheroma.
- congenital atonic p. SYN: amyotonia congenita.
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pseu·do·pa·ral·y·sis .süd-ə-pə-'ral-ə-səs n, pl -y·ses -.sēz apparent lack or loss of muscular power (as that produced by pain) that is not accompanied by true paralysis
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pseu·do·pa·ral·y·sis (soo″do-pə-ralґĭ-sis) 1. apparent loss of muscular power because of pain that is not neurologic in origin, marked by defective coordination of movements or by repression of movement. 2. hysterical paralysis.Medical dictionary. 2011.