A state in which the individual is of an unambiguous gonadal sex ( i.e., possesses either testes or ovaries) but has ambiguous external genitalia. Cf.:steroid 5α-reductase. SYN: false hermaphroditism.
- female p. [MIM*264270] p. with skeletal and genital anomalies but with female gonads and an XX karyotype. SYN: androgynism, androgyny (1).
- male p. [MIM*261550, MIM*264300, MIM*312100] p. in which the gonads are male and the karyotype is XY but with genital anomalies.
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pseu·do·her·maph·ro·dit·ism -rə-.dīt-.iz-əm n the condition of having the gonads of one sex and the external genitalia and other sex organs so variably developed that the sex of the individual is uncertain called also pseudohermaphrodism
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a congenital abnormality in which the external genitalia of a male or a female resemble those of the opposite sex; for example, a woman would have enlarged labia and clitoris, resembling a scrotum and penis respectively.
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pseu·do·her·maph·ro·dit·ism (soo″do-hər-mafґro-dit-iz″əm) a condition in which an individual is genetically and gonadally of one sex but has significant secondary sex characters of the opposite sex, often with ambiguous external genitalia. Cf. hermaphroditism. Called also androgynism and spurious or false hermaphroditism.Medical dictionary. 2011.