
SYN: butyrocholinesterase.
- atypical p. [MIM*177400, MIM*177500, MIM*177600] a genetic variant of cholinesterase that fails to catalyze the hydrolysis of succinylcholine. SEE ALSO: dibucaine number, fluoride number.
- typical p. a cholinesterase formed in the liver and present in plasma; it catalyzes the hydrolysis of succinylcholine, first into succinylmonocholine and choline and then into choline and succinic acid.

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pseu·do·cho·lin·es·ter·ase 'süd-ō-.kō-lə-'nes-tə-.rās, -.rāz n CHOLINESTERASE (2)

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an enzyme found in the blood and other tissues that - like cholinesterase - breaks down acetylcholine, but much more slowly. Not being localized at nerve endings, it plays little part in the normal breakdown of acetylcholine in synapses and at neuromuscular junctions.

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pseu·do·cho·lin·es·ter·ase (PCE) (soo″do-ko″lin-esґtər-ās) cholinesterase.

Medical dictionary. 2011.