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1. The science of health and its maintenance. 2. Cleanliness that promotes health and well being, especially of a personal nature. [G. hygieinos, healthful, fr. hygies, healthy]
- criminal h. obsolete term for the branch of mental h. or penology devoted to the study of the causes and prevention of criminality and the treatment of criminals.
- industrial h. practices adopted by an industrial concern to minimize occupation-related disease and/or injury.
- mental h. the science and practice of maintaining and restoring mental health; a branch of early twentieth century psychiatry that has become an interdisciplinary field including subspecialties in psychology, nursing, social work, law, and other professions.
- oral h. the cleaning of the mouth by means of brushing, flossing, irrigating, massaging, or the use of other devices. SEE ALSO: oral physiotherapy.
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hy·giene 'hī-.jēnalso hī-' n
2) conditions or practices (as of cleanliness) conducive to health
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the science of health and the study of ways of preserving it, particularly by promoting cleanliness.
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hy·giene (hiґjēn) [Gr. hygieia health] the science of health and of its preservation.Medical dictionary. 2011.