
A sinking down or prolapse of any organ or part; usually related to prolapse of the uterus. [L. a falling forward, fr. procido, to fall forward]
- p. uteri prolapse of the uterus.

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pro·ci·den·tia .prō-sə-'den-ch(ē-)ə, .prä- n PROLAPSE esp severe prolapse of the uterus in which the cervix projects from the vaginal opening

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the complete downward displacement (prolapse) of an organ, especially the uterus (uterine procidentia), which protrudes from the vaginal opening. Uterine procidentia may result from injury to the floor of the pelvic cavity, invariably the result of childbirth.

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pro·ci·den·tia (pro″sĭ-denґshə) [L.] 1. prolapse. 2. specifically, prolapse of the uterus to such a degree that the cervix protrudes from the vaginal outlet.

Medical dictionary. 2011.