
1. Anterior to a molar tooth. 2. A bicuspid tooth.

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pre·mo·lar -'mō-lər adj situated in front of or preceding the molar teeth esp being or relating to those teeth of a mammal in front of the true molars and behind the canines when the latter are present
premolar n
1) a premolar tooth that in humans is one of two in each side of each jaw called also bicuspid
2) a milk tooth that occupies the position later taken by a premolar tooth of the permanent dentition

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either of the two teeth on each side of each jaw behind the canines and in front of the molars in the adult dentition.

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pre·mo·lar (P) (pre-moґlər) [pre- + molar2] 1. see under tooth. 2. situated in front of the molar teeth.

Medical dictionary. 2011.