
A cell with two separate nuclei formed by the experimental fusion of two genetically different cells. (Heterokaryons, for example, composed of nuclei from Hurler syndrome and Hunter syndrome, both diseases of mucopolysaccharide metabolism, have normal mucopolysaccharide metabolism proving that the two syndromes affect different proteins and so can correct each other in the heterokaryon).
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A cell containing diverse nuclei inside a common cytoplasm, usually resulting from the artificial fusion of two cells from different species. [hetero- + G. karyon, kernel, nut]

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het·ero·kary·on also het·ero·cary·on .het-ə-rō-'kar-ē-.än, -ən n a cell in the mycelium of a fungus that contains two or more genetically unlike nuclei compare HOMOKARYON

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het·ero·kary·on (het″ər-o-karґe-on) [hetero- + karyon] a multinucleate cell in which the nuclei are from genetically different sources, as commonly occurs in fungal hyphae. It may also be produced artificially for the study of nuclear processes. Cf. homokaryon.

Medical dictionary. 2011.