
An enlarged liver. “Hepato-“ comes from the Greek “hepatikos” (of the liver) + “megaly” from the Greek “megas” (big or great) = bigness of the liver.

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he·pa·to·meg·a·ly .hep-ət-ō-'meg-ə-lē, hi-.pat-ə-'meg- n, pl -lies enlargement of the liver
he·pa·to·meg·a·lic -'meg-ə-lik adj

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enlargement of the liver to such an extent that it can be felt below the rib margin. This may be due to congestion (as in heart failure), inflammation, infiltration (e.g. by fat), or tumour.

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hep·a·to·meg·a·ly (hep″ə-to-megґə-le) [hepato- + -megaly] enlargement of the liver.

Medical dictionary. 2011.