
Obsolete term for an ulcer that rapidly spreads peripherally, destroying the tissues as it increases in size. [G. phagedaina, a canker]
- p. gangrenosa severe gangrene with sloughing.
- p. nosocomialis gangrene arising in a hospital from cross infection.
- p. tropica the tropical ulcer of Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis.

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phag·e·de·na also phag·e·dae·na .faj-ə-'dē-nə n rapidly spreading destructive ulceration of soft tissue

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phag·e·de·na (faj″ə-deґnə) [Gr. phagedaina; phagein to eat] ulceration that spreads rapidly and causes sloughing; see also phagedenic ulcer, under ulcer. phagedenic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.