1. The determination of the limits of the visual field. 2. The mapping of the sensitivity contours of the visual field. [G. perimetros, circumference]
- flicker p. a technique of p. using the criterion of critical fusion frequency. SYN: flicker fusion frequency technique.
- objective p. determination of the visual field by pupillary constriction, electroencephalography, or eye movements.
- scotopic p. p. of a dark-adapted eye.
- static p. determination of the visual field by using test objects at fixed positions and gradually increasing luminance to the threshold of visibility.
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peri·met·ric .per-ə-'me-trik adj
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pe·rim·e·try (pə-rimґə-tre) [peri- + -metry] determination of the extent of the peripheral visual field by use of a perimeter; cf. perioptometry.Medical dictionary. 2011.