
To remove the outer layer of.
- face p. removal of skin blemishes such as wrinkles, freckles, or acne scars by chemical agents producing injury (trichloracetic, phenol, or other organic acids) or solid carbon dioxide.

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peel 'pēl vt
1) to strip off an outer layer of
2) to remove (as skin or a blemish) by stripping vi
1) to come off in sheets or scales <sunburned skin \peels>
2) to lose an outer layer (as of skin) <his face is \peeling>
peel n chemical peel

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(pēl) [L. pilare to deprive of hair] 1. the outer covering of something. 2. to remove such an outer covering. 3. a plastic surgery technique involving removal of the outermost layer of skin.

Medical dictionary. 2011.