
Extreme and unreasoning anxiety and fear, often accompanied by disturbed breathing, increased heart activity, vasomotor changes, sweating, and a feeling of dread. See anxiety. [fr. G. myth. char., Pan]
- homosexual p. an acute, severe attack of anxiety based on unconscious conflicts regarding homosexuality.

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pan·ic 'pan-ik n
1) a sudden overpowering fright also acute extreme anxiety
2) a sudden unreasoning terror often accompanied by mass flight <widespread \panic in the streets>
panic vb, pan·icked -ikt; pan·ick·ing vt to affect with panic vi to be affected with panic

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pan·ic (panґik) [from Gr. Pan woodland deity who was considered to be the cause of sudden or groundless fear] acute, extreme anxiety with disorganization of personality and function.

Medical dictionary. 2011.