
Excessive development of the male breasts. Temporary enlargement of the breasts is not unusual or abnormal in boys during adolescence or during recovery from malnutrition. Gynecomastia may be abnormal as, for example, in Klinefelter’s syndrome.

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gy·ne·co·mas·tia or chiefly Brit gy·nae·co·mas·tia 'gī-nə-kō-'mas-tē-ə, 'jin-ə- n excessive development of the breast in the male

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gy·ne·co·mas·tia (gi″nə-) (jin″ə-ko-masґte-ə) [gyneco- + mast- + -ia] excessive growth of the male mammary glands, in some cases including development to the stage at which milk is produced, usually associated with metabolic derangements that lead to estrogen accumulation, testosterone deficiency, and hyperprolactinemia. A mild form may develop transiently during normal puberty. Cf. pseudogynecomastia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.