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A mature granular leukocyte, including neutrophilic, acidophilic, and basophilic types of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, i.e., respectively, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. [granulo- + G. kytos, cell]
- immature g. an immature neutrophil; it may be neutrophilic, acidophilic, or basophilic in character.
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gran·u·lo·cyte 'gran-yə-lō-.sīt n a polymorphonuclear white blood cell (as a basophil, eosinophil, or neutrophil) with granule-containing cytoplasm compare AGRANULOCYTE
gran·u·lo·cyt·ic .gran-yə-lō-'sit-ik adj
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any of a group of white blood cells that, when stained with Romanowsky stains, are seen to contain granules in their cytoplasm. They can be subclassified on the basis of the colour of the stained granules into neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil.
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gran·u·lo·cyte (granґu-lo-sīt″) [granulo- + -cyte] 1. any cell containing granules. 2. granular leukocyte.Medical dictionary. 2011.