
Scanty urine production. [oligo- + G. ouron, urine]

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ol·i·gu·ria .äl-ə-'g(y)u̇r-ē-ə n reduced excretion of urine
ol·i·gur·ic -ik adj

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the production of an abnormally small volume of urine. This may be a result of copious sweating associated with intense physical activity and/or hot weather. It can also be due to kidney disease, retention of water in the tissues (see oedema), loss of blood, diarrhoea, or poisoning.

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ol·i·gu·ria (ol″ĭ-guґre-ə) [oligo- + -uria] diminished urine production and excretion as compared with fluid intake, usually defined as less than 500 mL per 24 hours. Called also hypouresis. oliguric adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.