
The presence of an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid (less than 300 mL at term). SYN: hypamnion, hypamnios, oligamnios, oligoamnios. [oligo- + G. hydor, water, + amnion]

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oli·go·hy·dram·ni·os .äl-i-gō-.hī-'dram-nē-.äs, ə-.lig-ə- n deficiency of amniotic fluid sometimes resulting in an embryonic defect through adherence between embryo and amnion

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a condition in which the amount of amniotic fluid bathing a fetus during pregnancy is abnormally small (0-200 ml in the third trimester). It is usually associated with retarded fetal growth and may indicate serious fetal kidney abnormalities. See Potter syndrome.

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ol·i·go·hy·dram·ni·os (ol″ĭ-go-hi-dramґne-os) [oligo- + hydro- + amnion] the presence of less than the normal amount of amniotic fluid, defined as 500 mL or less at term and smaller amounts at earlier gestational ages. See also oligohydramnios sequence, under sequence.

Medical dictionary. 2011.