1. Discoid or coin-shaped; denoting the thick mucous or mucopurulent sputum in certain respiratory diseases, so called because of the disc shape assumed when it is flattened on the bottom of a sputum mug containing water or transparent disinfectant. 2. Arranged like stacks of coins, denoting the lining up of the red blood cells into rouleaux formation. SYN: nummiform. [L. nummulus, small coin, dim. of nummus, coin]
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num·mu·lar 'nəm-yə-lər adj
1) circular or oval in shape <\nummular lesions>
2) characterized by circular or oval lesions or drops <\nummular dermatitis> <\nummular sputum>
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num·mu·lar (numґu-lər) [L. nummularis] 1. coin-sized and coin-shaped. 2. made up of round, flat disks. 3. piled, like coins, in a rouleau.Medical dictionary. 2011.