
A carcinogenic and toxic hydrocarbon obtained from coal tar; used for many syntheses in industry and in some moth repellents; n. can cause an attack of hemolytic anemia in individuals with a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. SYN: naphthalin, tar camphor.

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naph·tha·lene -.lēn n a crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon C10H8 usu. obtained by distillation of coal tar and used esp. in organic synthesis and formerly as a topical and intestinal antiseptic
naph·tha·len·ic .naf-thə-'len-ik, .nap-, -'lēn- adj

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naph·tha·lene (nafґthə-lēn) a silvery, crystalline hydrocarbon from coal tar oil, used as an intermediate, moth repellent, fungicide, and preservative and formerly used as an antiseptic in diarrhea of typhoid fever; it is toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption.

Medical dictionary. 2011.