
Spindle-shaped, contractile, smooth musclelike cells of epithelial origin that are arranged longitudinally or obliquely around sweat glands and the secretory alveoli of the mammary gland; stellate myoepithelial cells occur around lacrimal and some salivary gland secretory units. SYN: muscle epithelium. [myo- + epithelium]

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myo·epi·the·lium -.ep-ə-'thē-lē-əm n, pl -lia tissue made up of myoepithelial cells

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a tissue consisting of cells of epithelial origin having a contractile cytoplasm. Myoepithelial cells play an important role in encouraging the secretion of substances into ducts.

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myo·epi·the·li·um (mi″o-ep″ĭ-theґle-əm) [myo- + epithelium] a specialized type of epithelium that has contractile qualities; see myoepithelial cells, under cell.

Medical dictionary. 2011.