
The study of fungi : their classification, edibility, cultivation, and biology. [myco- + G. logos, study]
- medical m. the study of fungi that produce disease in humans and other animals, and of the diseases they produce, their ecology, and their epidemiology.

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my·col·o·gy mī-'käl-ə-jē n, pl -gies
1) a branch of biology dealing with fungi
2) fungal life
my·co·log·i·cal .mī-kə-'läj-i-kəl adj
my·col·o·gist mī-'käl-ə-jəst n

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the science of fungi. See also microbiology.
mycologist n.

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my·col·o·gy (mi-kolґə-je) [myco- + -logy] the science and study of fungi.

Medical dictionary. 2011.