
monoamine oxidase
SYN: amine oxidase (flavin-containing).

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monoamine oxidase n an enzyme that deaminates monoamines oxidatively and that functions in the nervous system by breaking down monoamine neurotransmitters

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an enzyme that catalyses the oxidation of a large variety of monoamines, including adrenaline, noradrenaline, and serotonin. Monoamine oxidase is found in most tissues, particularly the liver and nervous system. Drugs that act as inhibitors of this enzyme are widely used in the treatment of depression (see MAO inhibitor).

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(MAO) mono·amine ox·i·dase (MAO) (mon″o-ə-mēnґ okґsĭ-dās) amine oxidase (flavin-containing).

Medical dictionary. 2011.