1. A form of application or employment of a therapeutic agent or regimen. 2. Various forms of sensation, e.g., touch, vision, etc.. [Mediev. L. modalitas, fr. L. modus, a mode]
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1) one of the main avenues of sensation (as vision)
2 a) a usu. physical therapeutic agency
b) an apparatus for applying a modality
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1. a form of sensation, such as smell, hearing, tasting, or detecting temperature. Differences in modality are not due to differences in the structure of the nerves concerned, but to differences in the working of the sensory receptors and the areas of brain that receive the messages.
2. one form of therapy as opposed to another, such as the modality of physiotherapy contrasted with that of radiotherapy.
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mo·dal·i·ty (mo-dalґĭ-te) 1. a method of application of, or the employment of, any therapeutic agent, especially a physical agent. 2. in homeopathy, a condition that modifies drug action; a condition under which symptoms develop, becoming better or worse. 3. a specific sensory entity, such as taste.Medical dictionary. 2011.