A very small circumscribed collection of leukocytes in solid tissues.
- Munro m. a microscopic collection of polymorphonuclear leukocytes found in the stratum corneum in psoriasis. SYN: Munro abscess.
- Pautrier m. a microscopic lesion in the epidermis, seen in mycosis fungoides; it is composed of the same type of atypical mononuclear cells as those that form the infiltrate in the corium. SYN: Pautrier abscess.
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mi·cro·ab·scess -.ab-ses n a very small abscess <lesion is characterized by...multiple \microabscesses in a fresh or an organizing thrombus (V. A. McKusick )(et al)>
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mi·cro·ab·scess (mi″kro-abґses) a small, localized collection of pus.Medical dictionary. 2011.